Miyerkules, Disyembre 13, 2017

Manageable Execution at Holy Gardens

You will live in our hearts forever

MC Circular No 2017   Manageeable Executions on TRT, Tributes and , Birthdates and Death Date Anniversaires

TO:      All SBUS
           Holy Gardens La Union
           Holy Gardens Pangasinan
           Holy Gardens  Calamba
           Holy Gardens  Calapan
           Holy Gardens Oton

Attention:     Ms.  RCC
                   Ms.  RCG
                   Ms.  Veron Miranda
                   Ms. Frenzie Agasan
                   Ms. Aprilyn Caragayan

Thru:     SAA Ms. Madelene Saguinsn

Subject:    Posting, Checking at the designated websites the following:

                1.  Travel/trip Request Ticket

                2.  Birthdate and Death Date Recollection 

                3. Tribute archive


1.  To reacquire the high level of customer connection and service

2.  To create more awareness and hence more sales, more cash flow and attain our vision

3.  To promote efficiency, save on cost and expenses


1. We lost the blogs for the three:   birthdays, TRT and tribute archive
    None of the three is happening

2.  The reasons:

     1.  Lack of compliance

     2.  Lack of turn over

     3.  Lack of staff, despite frequent urging to hire

     There is a frequent talk and complaint:  do we need to follow and do this.  Yes.  We need manageable executions and these are some of them


1.  We require the posting 

    a.  Of Travel Request at TRT site

    b.   Of the dead's  birth and death date of those who are enshrined/interred at at our memorial park

    c.  Posting the embed code at Tribute Archive of electronic tributes we have done for the interments.

2. The sites


3.  Who will do these:

    TRT -  SFC, in the absence of one, the CMO/ACMO

    Birthdates  -   CSS 3, in the absence of one CSS 2

    Tribute Archieve -  CSS 2

4.  Musts and standards:

 For the TRT

    1. TRTs must be posted with every travel;  they must be emiailed or uploaded prior to every travel.  They must be placed in the logbook which are to be submitted for PO for gasoline

         1.  SBUs must required to buy gasoline on PO.

 For the Birth and death date

2.  The CSS 3 (2) must compile birthdates and death dates, and using excel or some other program, generate death dates and birth dates list.    Such employee must:

       1.  Post the death date at the SBU front (or if there is an LED electronic billboard on that)

       2.  Put a flower and/or candle on the marker of the deceased.

       3.  Text the family to recall the death or birth date.

For the Tribute

3.  The CSS 2 must upload the electronic tribute to a third party site:    You tube, viimeo or daily moition.  {Should there be no electronic tribute, the CSS 2 does a video of the interment:  the mass, the convoy, the ceremonies - balloon tribute, the eulogies etc)

    1.  The CSS 2 gets the embed code from the video site;

    2.  The CSS 2 posts this at tribute archive site

4.  The CMO and HR, and SAA check and monitor this

Rewards and Punishment:

      1.  Those who post the tribute are awarded  between P100 to P200 depending as to whether this is deluxe or luxury interment

      2. Those who do not post are reprimanded:  the CSS 2/3 and the CMO

      3. The SBU will find difficulty in reimbursement of gas and vehicle expenses if they do not do the TRT uploading/posting


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